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NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has been legally dissolved and from 1 July 2022 has been replaced by a new organisation: NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SY ICB). NHS South Yorkshire ICB is now responsible for commissioning and funding of health and care services locally. Please go to our new website for information about the work of NHS South Yorkshire ICB and details about how to contact us.

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FOI Ref: 0231FOI1920

10th March 2020

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

I need to request some information. I do understand there can be reluctance to send certain information, such as names and contact details.

We have a legitimate interest in asking for information and we do not spam individuals with lots of emails.  We do have a need to communicate by email.

I have spoken to the Information Commissioners Office and they have advised we can make an unofficial request for information which does not have to be published on your website, thereby protecting any individuals mentioned. 

We would be happy to address any contact information as an unofficial request for information to supplement the FOI request.

Please also note the contact details we request only refer to officials in the pursuit of their job roles, and these should be covered under legitimate interest.

My request is in 4 parts. Please tell me:

Part 1

  • What appointment booking and reminder system(s) does the Trust use, providing in each case:
    • name of system and name of supplier
    • contract start and end dates
    • £K contract value per annum
  • How much is spent per annum on sending appointment letters?
  • How much is spent on SMS text messages per annum for appointment reminders?
  • How many DNAs were there for 2018/2019 and what did this cost the Trust?
  • Who in the Trust is responsible for the appointment booking and reminder system(s), by Name, Job Title and email address?

Not applicable to the CCG.

Part 2

  • What e-rostering and bank staffing system(s) does the Trust use, providing in each case:
    • name of system and name of supplier
    • contract start and end dates
    • £K contract value per annum
  • How much is spent on SMS text messages per annum for bank staffing?
  • Who in the Trust is responsible for bank staffing system, by Name, Job Title and email address?

Not applicable to the CCG.

Part 3

  • What paging system does the Trust use, providing:
    • name of system and name of supplier
    • contract start and end dates
    • £K contract value per annum
  • Is the Trust actively considering reducing paging costs by the use of mobile apps?
  • Who in the Trust is responsible for the paging system, by Name, Job Title and email address?

Not applicable to the CCG.

Part 4

  • What systems does the Trust use for: The whole system is based on Cisco technology with IPFX contact centre.
  • PBX
    • How many extensions do you have? One per staff member, around 323.
  • Switchboard / Operator Console
    • How many positions do you use? None
    • What is the Annual Contract/Maintenance value? Whole system costs £15k annually.
  • Contact Centre 
    • How many seats are in use? As above
    • What is the Annual Contract/Maintenance value? As above
  • Speech Recognition Auto Attendant and what is the Annual Contract/Maintenance value? None
  • Staff Directory - Cisco
  • Call Logging - IVANTI
  • Who in the Trust is responsible for these telecoms systems, by Name, Job Title, email address? Adam Lavington Deputy Director of IT,
NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group

722 Prince of Wales Road
S9 4EU

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