This website is no longer being updated.

NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has been legally dissolved and from 1 July 2022 has been replaced by a new organisation: NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SY ICB). NHS South Yorkshire ICB is now responsible for commissioning and funding of health and care services locally. Please go to our new website for information about the work of NHS South Yorkshire ICB and details about how to contact us.

Thank you.

We want you to have more care closer to your home...


FOI Ref: 0223FOI1920

21st February 2020

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request /Response

I have a few Questions about care homes and telemedicine.

Health care in care homes

1. Is your organisation responsible for the commissioning of health care for those residing in care homes?

SCCG does commission a number of Care Homes within Sheffield, however they may not commission all it would be subject to clinical need, appropriateness and quality of the care etc.

2. Is there another organisation in your area who is the main decision maker for health care for those residing in care homes (such as an STP/ ICS / PCN)?

Local Commissioning will be undertaken by Sheffield CCG with collaboration where appropriate with the Local Authority however work can and may be undertaken across a number of portfolios linked to varying strategies surrounding out of hospital provision i.e. from an Integrated Care perspective.

3. Who in  your organisation is the lead/ main person responsible for health care for those residing in care homes?

Dependent on the need in the care home would be depend the lead in the CCG ie Quality, Contractual, Continuing Care for instance.

4. How many Care homes are in your area?

114 Care home , for over +65 year olds, however they provide care across a range of needs i.e. physical health, dementia, mental health and learning disabilities.


1. Does your organisation presently commission or endorse any form of telemedicine, video consultation or other technologically enabled care for care homes? or have an association with a pilot involving this?


2. If Yes, please provide the details

    1. Type (description of solution)
    2. Supplier
    3. Number of care homes solution is in
    4. Cost
    5. Contract dates (Start and expiration with any possible extensions)
    6. Date for review
    7. Has there been an analysis if so what where the results? (please attach any report)
    8. Have you continued this? If not why not?
    9. Lead/ person responsible for this at your organisation

3. Is telemedicine (Video with live diagnostic equipment giving the clinician the ability to diagnose at a distance) in care homes something that your organisation would consider (either individually or at STP/ ICS/ PCN level)? (This can be used as a way of reducing hospital admissions, increasing  the level of health care in care homes by recognising and acting upon critically ill patients sooner and the subsequent decreasing the overall cost of health.)

This may be something we would possibly consider.

4. If your CCG is not considering telemedicine is there a reason why this is not being considered?

The CCG have concentrated on other domains in the EHCH framework. For example, workforce development, End of Life Care and the roll out of DSPT and NHS mail.

Decision Making

1. What criteria are most important when commissioning innovation such as telemedicine? (cost, in line with objectives, evidence of effectiveness…)?

No criterion has been set for telemedicine as this has not been pursued by Sheffield CCG.

2. What evidence do you require when making a decision on innovation such as telemedicine?

Please see above.

3. Who is, or who would be the lead/ person responsible for the decision to put telemedicine into care homes? Name, Role in organisation, Best way to contact.

A Project Manager was employed to implement the EHCH framework, however not specific to telemedicine.

4. Who else may affect the decision-making process for telemedicine? What are these stakeholders’ interests?

Innovation Engagement

1. What did your CCG spend on innovation in the last year?

Circa £160k

2. How have businesses successfully engaged with your CCG in the past regarding innovation?

Engagement with Senior Quality leads / Project Lead.

3. What is the best way for a business to engage your CCG about a telemedicine innovation for care homes?

Via the Senior Quality Manager.     

NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group

722 Prince of Wales Road
S9 4EU

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