This website is no longer being updated.

NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has been legally dissolved and from 1 July 2022 has been replaced by a new organisation: NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SY ICB). NHS South Yorkshire ICB is now responsible for commissioning and funding of health and care services locally. Please go to our new website for information about the work of NHS South Yorkshire ICB and details about how to contact us.

Thank you.

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FOI Ref: 0141FOI2021

6th January 2021

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request /Request

Please provide the following information in electronic format regarding formularies and rebate schemes for blood glucose test strips

1. Does the Health Board have a formulary for Blood Glucose Test Strips? If so please can you provide the formulary or link to the formulary.

If you cannot provide a link, can you advise which products are included under what guidance?

Chapter 6 Endocrine –

2. Please advise who the responsible Medicines Optimisation contact for the above formulary and their contact details.

Please contact the Pharmacist Team Leader at (please mark for the attention of Pharmacist Team Leader), or contact 0114 305 1000.

3. Please advise the dates when the above formulary was last reviewed and when it is due for next review? 

Last Review - 8th Edition May 2018 amendment July18, May 19, Oct 19 Review Date May 2020. Review date extended to May 2021; amendment November 2020

NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group

722 Prince of Wales Road
S9 4EU

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